Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Life is Short, Why make it even Shorter?

I don't know how to describe my feelings when I read about the death of a 32 y.o. mother with her two kids aged 3 and 6 years old. She committed suicide by hugging her 4 children on a railway track and waited for an oncoming train to hit them. What was she thinking ? Was her marriage problem too bad that taking her own lives and children is the only best solution? It took a great courage to stand in the middle of that railway track and waited for the train to hit her and that courage should had been correctly channel to solve her marriage problem or at least to raise her children well even it meant she had to do it on her own.

My heart goes out to Victoria, the eldest daughter who survived from the episode and is now in trauma and has to live with the dark experience for the rest of her life. Be strong dear.


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