Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hear me rambling about nothing.

It's 4:25pm. I'm not working today and all alone at home with my notebook. I'm enjoying the afternoon's silence when suddenly it is spoiled by the noises of a motorbike making a wheely at the main road beside my house. Tension... feel like going there and baling batu to that guy.

When I'm not working be it week days or weekends, the time I like most is in the afternoon (3pm to 5pm) when most activities are slow and many people are taking afternoon naps. The silence of the time is a therapy to my mind and soul.

As my house is just next to a primary school, on school days like today I can hear students shoutings and callings each others and yet it is sooo calming. It makes me remembering my school days and I miss my kampung life back then..

This morning on the radio, the topic discussed was "Who is the person you will always remember?" . A guy caller said he misses his grandmother . He was raised by his grandma but at that time he felt that his grandma controlled him a lot to an extend he can't even go out and play. Of course back then he felt that there was no freedom for him.

Now that his grandmother had passed away, he misses her a lot and that makes him realize how big was his grandmother love for him.

ps: I hope my kids know how much I love them when I am still alive..not when I have turned into skull ..


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